So how many times do I have to do something until it is truly a habit? I’m guessing it is more than 3, but they do say “three’s the charm!”
Mom went home Monday, so I’m breathing a bit more easily and off full-time hurricane duty. With all the stress, this little project has been kinda my little piece of the day where I get to do something creative and grounding.
I’ve also noticed my color choices changing with the weather. ☁️
Here is a quick recap of some of my favorite moments and memoirs of the week:
1- Coffee and tea (thé in French) and soups, oh my! Hot food moratorium has been officially lifted! I struggle a lot with the heat, so now that things have cooled off, I’m drinking all the hot drinks and eating all the soups… all day every day. Check back in a couple of weeks and I’ll probably be freezing, though. We are in the “in between weeks” as my husband refers to it where the temps suddenly drop and our bodies/wardrobes are trying to adjust.
2- Is it grey or gray? I tend to prefer grey. Regardless, we are seeing lot of it this week!
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3- Tuesday is pool day! My love for this pool is only growing stronger.
4- Dancing light. I guess we have hit that time of the year where all we talk about is the weather? Captured this on a sunny day and loved the shadow play going on.
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5- Exploring the Buttes aux Cailles neighborhood one evening.
6- Enjoyed this charming spot for an apéro in the 6th. Sometimes a good glass of wine and good conversation are what the soul needs in the midst of crazy!
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7- Is this not the cutest little ice cream cart ever?! I was on the phone with my mom as I walked by and put her on hold so I could take a picture!
8- Il faisait apérbeau ! So, I enjoyed the good weather and walked for about an hour around central Paris before heading home after work on Friday. (I’m on a mission to make “apérbeau” a word that everyone uses. Wanna join?! )
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Walked through the Louvre…
9- We spent some time in one of our favorite Paris parks after a day of cleaning and chores. The park is always full of runners, children, and people playing pokémon!
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10- Selfcare Sunday started with a brunch and then about 7km of walking around Montmartre and the 18th arrondissement.
Kale and cayenne for this #selfcaresunday!
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Et, voilà ! Week three in the books!
Speaking of books, I started reading the newly released Finish by Jon Acuff. And it may just be the best book I’ve read in a LONG time. I highly recommend it! The audiobook format is fantastic because Jon reads his own books, and his humor really comes through the reading. Check it out!
For even more moments and memoirs from this week, check out my Instagram @bonjour.melissa (and @project.aimfly for my health/fitness journey)!
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