Contact Me

Do you have any burning questions?

Just want to say hi?

Want to keep up with my life in Paris and afar?

Feel free to drop me a line below or connect with me on various other social platforms:


Over at, I blog about health, nutrition, fitness, and recovering from chronic illnesses. I share recipes, my journey of recovery, fitness tips and anything else related to a healthy lifestyle while living in the land of bread and cheese (and wine!).  I am also a graphic designer and photographer, and you can find more of my work at

I share photos of my the various aspects of my life here in Paris (and of course elsewhere when I’m traveling) on Instagram, including some special insta-exclusive Paris photo-rides where I explore areas of the city by bike.

facebookOn facebook, you can  “FOLLOW” to watch my story unfold. Or send me a friend request & feel free to private message me if you want to connect more one-on-one.

facebook Also on facebook, I am building a community geared toward healing, dreaming and thriving over at Project Aimfly.


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